I was delighted to be interviewed as part of RedR UK's first ever live Facebook Q&A session this week, led by Jo de Serrano, RedR's CEO.
Click here to link to the live post to hear the discussion, the first of a series of interviews called "Interviews with Interesting People".
Working as a RedR Mental Health trainer, I have been part of their initiative to deliver training sessions on how to manage stress during Covid-19. My background is in mental health, humanitarian response and community engagement. As a former UN spokesperson and author, I've worked on the front line of numerous crises including postings in Indonesia, Sudan, Haiti, East Timor and the Philippines. I'm now a professionally qualified therapist and Mental Health First Aid trainer specialising in trauma, and the founder of the Fifty Shades of Aid online aid worker support community.
In total RedR UK has run 30 Covid-19 sessions in 3 weeks and trained over 400 people The staff and volunteers we have trained come from organisations such as the British Red Cross, UN agencies, Age UK, Oxfam, NHS, Universities (UCL, Portsmouth, Leicester).
The "How to manage stress during Covid-19" RedR training sessions are running until May 20th - be sure to secure your place on one of those via RedR UK's website.
